Members of the Worthington Circle of the Child Conservation League founded The Worthington Women’s Club on May 24, 1932. The objectives of the new club were to promote friendship among members, provide opportunities to participate in organized interest groups and in the social, intellectual and civic affairs of the community.
About our Bylaws
Constitution and Bylaws 1932 (revisions.)
About Our Banner
The President’s choice of flower is being displayed as our banner. President Jody Ort has selected the Iris as the choice for her term. Irises pictured are from
her garden. The Blue is our Worthington Womens Club ‘Color’.
About Our President’s Invitational Event (“PIE”). October 10, 2024
“Bourbon Tasting with Joyce Lohner”
For the 3rd Annual President’s Invitational Event, President Jody Ort has chosen a Bourbon Tasting. It was held Thursday, October 10, 2024, from 4:00pm to 6:00pm at
the Leasure-Blackston Post #239 of the American Legion, 700 Morning Street, Worthington, Ohio 43085. Participants received 1 Old Fashion plus 4 tastings of bourbon and light snacks.
Click here for More about “PIE”
The 1932 objectives of WWC continue today. Even though the roles of women are more varied than in 1932, women still need and enjoy a place to relax with friends and pursue interests outside their home and work. Worthington Women’s Club offers a wide variety of interest groups to meet that need.
Interest groups meet monthly. Included are Art Study, Bowling, Card Groups, Bird Watching, Book Clubs, Current Events, Dominoes, Creative Needlework, Mah Jongg Groups, Scrabble, Happy Hour group, Travel, Walking and several luncheon groups. Interest group contact information and schedule is found under the Interest Group tab.
General meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of the months of September, October, January, February, March & April. These meetings include a guest speaker, a business meeting and a dessert. Special luncheon meetings are in December and May.
To make reservations, email or phone Jackie Kaps.
You’ll find member contact information in your WWC Yearbook.
Community Support
The Worthington Women’s Club contributes to local charities which promote the quality of life in Worthington.
For fiscal year 2023-2024, WWC donated to the following organizations: McConnell Arts Center, $300; Worthington Bridges, $200; Worthington Historical Society, $300; Worthington Resource Pantry, $400; Scholarship Opportunities for Success, $300.
Pictured: Pam Clawson, WWC President; Nick Linkenhoker, Worthington Resource Pantry;
Bethany Kravitz, Scholarship Opportunities for Success; Lizzie Howard, McConnell Arts Center;
Jutta Wait, WWC 1st Year Director and Allocations Chair.
WWC also donated and maintain the Historical Signs which appear at the four entrances to the original “Old Worthington.”
As part of the Worthington Bicentennial Celebration, WWC contributed an Ohio Historical Marker depicting the settlement of Worthington. The marker is located at the High Street side of The Griswold Center. Click here to see Historical Marker.
How to Become a Member
An invitation is extended to all women having interest in Worthington.
A prospective member must attend one general meeting within the twelve months preceding the date of application. Annual dues are $45.00. If you do not know a sponsor, one will be assigned.
For more information, Email [email protected] with contact information and someone will call you.
(Click underlined to view pictures)
PROGRAMS 2024-2025
September 24, 2024 – 12:30pm Social – 1:00pm General Meeting
Music for Healing and Transition
Presented by member Kate Dean-Haidet PHD, RN and
Lori Beals, O.D., CMP Kate and Lori demonstrate.
October 22, 2024 – 12:30pm Social – 1:00pm General Meeting
Campaign Humor and Other Amusing Election Anecdotes
Presented by Jeri Diehl-Cusack, M.L.S.
December 10, 2024 – 11:00am
Holiday Luncheon
Music of the Season, Worthington Christian High School Choir
January 28, 2025 – 12:30pm Social – 1:00pm General Meeting
How to be Successful with Houseplants
Presented by Susie Maynard, Master Gardener and
Owner of Susie’s Tropical Interiors
February 25, 2025 – 12:30pm Social – 1:00pm General Meeting
Promoting Worthington Through Business
Presented by Matt Lofy, Executive Director of the Worthington
Chamber of Commerce
March 25, 2025 – 12:30pm Social – 1:00pm General Meeting
W.G, The Opium-Addicted, Pistol Toting Preacher
Who Raised the First Federal African American Union Troops,
Donna Burch and William Burch, siblings and descendants of
W. G. Raymond and authors of this historical biography who recently
completed a screenplay adaption of the book.
April 22, 2025 – 12:00pm Interest Fair – 12:30pm Social
1:00pm General Meeting – Spring Fashion Show by Evolverie
May 13, 2025 – 10:30am
Spring Luncheon, Musical Entertainment,
Installation of 2025-2026 Officers
Click here to View Past Programs 2023-2024 and 2022-2023
Our Creed
I believe in Worthington, in the pioneer ideals and traditions upon which she was founded:
in the strength and purposes in which she endures, in the hopes and ambitions which lie ahead.
I believe in the people of Worthington and the women of our Club and pledge myself to those things which will make a greater Worthington.
I shall plant a garden of friendship here and pluck from its flowers of love and service which never fade.
I will look up to the stars above and make them my desire.
I will be strong, and generous, and kind.
~Marie Vandegrift, President 1942-1943
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